5 Common Mistakes That May Be Interrupting Your Workflow
When you run any kind of business, it’s important to consistently keep up with your workflow and monitor what’s working and what needs fine-tuning. These 5 common mistakes can be easily avoided by implementing these tips!
Workflow processes are crucial in keeping your sales funnels running smoothly. When you update your processes frequently, it’s like putting oil in a machine. Everything runs like butter when everyone knows what they should be doing. That’s kind of a given, though, right? Creating a well-oiled machine takes time and effort, but it doesn’t have to feel like an uphill battle. Allow yourself to be ahead of the learning-curve when you are creating your workflow processes!
1. Plan, and then plan some more
Planning your workflow spares you from redundancy. You’ll need to know what the workflow system does, and why it’s going to be used in the first place. We use Diagrams as they are useful for this step. Visual representations help you understand whether or not this workflow will help you progress or add more unnecessary tasks to your day!
2. Emphasize effective communication
Any stage in sales relies on effective communication between you and your team. Whether you’re a team of 1 or 100, each notification sent between all relevant participants needs to be actionable. I’m sure you’ve had days where it feels like you just don’t stop getting email notifications or texts! It’s overwhelming, and I bet that on those days, you may neglect a message or two…or ten. It happens! In your workflow, though, you need to make sure your team is not bombarded with notifications, and that the ones they do get are important enough to do something about them.
3. Optimize your website
So, you’ve created this amazing lead magnet on social media. Your traffic has never been higher. Your lead magnet has a specific conversion goal in mind. That could look like getting subscribers for your mailing list (*wink wink*) or signing up for a particular service directly via a link. Make sure that the landing page is optimized to be distraction-free. There shouldn’t be a menu or anything beyond the end goal in plain sight.
4. Drive more traffic
Driving traffic to your sales funnel could be as simple as uploading an Instagram post with some easy promo. What’s the point in going through all that effort to create the funnel and the lead magnets if you aren’t going to drive traffic to them? Once you are able to drive traffic, the goal then becomes to convert the leads. But, before you get into that step, it’s important to make sure that the tools you’re using to drive traffic are effective for you in the first place. Maybe take some time to rethink the platforms that you use to increase traffic, and see what works and what doesn’t.
5. Remember to follow-up
On a similar note, forgetting to follow-up with your leads can be just as detrimental to the sale. You have to nurture a relationship with your leads from the very start. Imagine offering this amazing free content. You’re showing your expertise, establishing yourself as a credible source, but you’re not following through with the people who are already impressed by you. Don’t be shy about sending content to your mailing list. You want to remind them about why they were interested in you in the first place.
Whether you need to fine-tune your workflow process, or you are creating one from scratch, it’s so easy to miss these steps. We are here if you needed us so don’t let that discourage you! Instead, use these common mistakes as tools to further establish a workflow process that works for you. They can be avoided so long as you’re made aware of them! And, now that you are, there’s nothing stopping you from being the well-oiled machine that you’re destined to be.